Nice that you have found my website. I would like to introduce myself here: First, I'll take you through the most important stages of my career. Then I'll present the projects I work on and the skills I have. Finally, I'll give you an insight into my hobbies and what else I do. If you have any questions, suggestions or criticism, I look forward receiving your message!
Hosting of open source tools
Design and implementation of marketing strategies
Direct contact for technical customer support
Planning and realization of individual customer requests
Development of the Hacking Lab Hacking-Lab Platform
Planning and realization of the Bug Bounty Platform
System administration and maintenance of the infrastructure
Design and implementation of DevOps processes
Development of the Threat Intelligence Platform av-atlas
Automated privacy analysis of Android apps
Automated collection of malware for further analysis systems
Automated mass analysis and classification of spam mails
Audit workflows & access management of productive bank data
Professional reorientation due to move to Magdeburg
Audit interface for Hadoop components of a fraud detection system
Development of various software test procedures & CI/CD workflows
Implementation of various backends & frontends
Part-time distance studies
Technical high school, profile information technology
In my spare time I provide various open source services for free.
When I have the time, I participate in open source projects or write an article or tutorial about it.
With my company Ossrox I offer hosting of open source tools.